Mescaline Powder


“Trips” for the users may be pleasurable and enlightening or anxiety-producing and unpleasant (known as a “bad trip”). There is no way to know how a user’s experience may ultimately play out. Common effects after use may include:

  • visual hallucinations and radically altered states of consciousness (psychedelic experience)
  • open and closed eye visualizations
  • euphoria
  • dream-like state
  • slowed passage of time
  • laughter
  • a mixing of senses (synesthesia, such as “seeing a sound” or “hearing colors”)
  • pupil dilation

Side effects or risks of mescaline use may include:

  • anxiety, fear
  • racing heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • diarrhea
  • excessive sweating
  • tremors
  • nausea, vomiting
  • headache
  • accidental injury
  • psychosis, panic, or paranoia
  • seizures
  • amnesia (loss of memory)
  • posthallucinogen perceptual disorder (flashbacks)
  • rarely, suicidal thoughts or actions

Like most psychedelic hallucinogens, mescaline is not physically addictive; however, it can cause tolerance meaning higher doses are need to achieve the same hallucinogenic effect. Mescaline-containing cacti can induce severe vomiting and nausea. Which is an important part of traditional Native-American or Shaman ceremonies and is consider a cleansing ritual and a spiritual aid.